
Scheduling Policy

Walk-ins are exclusively for nail trims between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM, any other services are by appointment only, allowing us to provide personalized attention to each furry client.

Recurring appointments can be scheduled within a 1 to 10-week interval to ensure the experience is not only about looks but also about building a bond with your cherished companion.

Prioritizing the well-being and mental health of your pet over completing the grooming process in a single session, if your pet exhibits signs of nervousness, fear, or aggression during the grooming process, we may choose to send them home to avoid traumatization.

New Clients

Important Notice

Due to high local demand, Bubble Bark is not currently taking on NEW clients for the foreseeable future.
This applies to both year-round and seasonal residents.
However, they are welcome to take advantage of our Bubble Buzz service!

You may click below to apply for the online waitlist, in the event of any last-minute cancellations.

Year-Round Residents Seasonal Residents

Please don't fill out the form multiple times as it will update your position to the end of the list.

*Please note this waitlist is considerably long and you may want to look for alternative options, such organising a day trip to an off island groomer as needed.

Returning Clients

Fill out the form below or feel free to Call, Walk-in or Email to make or change an appointement.

Please be advised that new clients booking on this section will be banned from Bubble Bark

You may click below to create a new appointment.

Returning Clients
